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Standerd function of file handling. BCA 2nd sem

Types of standard function of file handling:- 1). fopen() function 2). fclose () function 3). feof() function 4). fseek() function 5). frewind() function 6). …
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What do you mean by electronic payment system? BCA 6th semester).

Electronic payment system definition:- Electronic payment system provide the basic concept of electronic commerce road the created system which developed by …
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WAP string length? BCA- 2sem

WAP string length:- #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main () { char a [100]; int l; printf(" enter a string\n"); gets(a); l= str…
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What is macro? Discuss the advantage & disadvantage.

Definition of macro:- Macro  are single identifies that are equal to complete statement as group of statement. Macro are user define constore program used in…
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What is structure of C?(BCA-2 semester)

Definition of structure of C:- Document section link section define section main function { Body of program } program to find radius of circle:- # include<…
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What you mean by structure and union? (BCA- 2 semester)

Definition Structure:- user need to store large amount of data in a 'C' long it used Aryan working a group data and value but structure describe diff…
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What do you mean by secure SET( BCA-6th semester)

Definition Secure electronic transaction:- protocols for security credit card transaction over the network with the help of internet service it is not payme…
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Define encryption.discuss rhe legal secure and legal issues in e commerce. (BCA 6th semester)

Daffination encryption:-  it is a process which transfer different information through different algorithm which refers to Cryptography. These messages contain…
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Use in E commerce policy ( BCA 6th sem)

1).Smart card:- A smart card is an integrated circuit card which use any processing of E commerce. for Processing of information. It contains non volatile m…
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What is e-mail and IT? (BCA 1 semester)

Email ID( electronic mail) definition:- Tectonic male is in satellites technology which has become the primary means of communication many organization and i…
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What is java data base connectivity? ( BCA 5 the semester).

Java Tata base connectivity definition:- It is a Java interface which allows two developer to access database management system from Java code different SQL …
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Define Exception handling? BCA-1ST semester.

Exception handling definition:- Exception is a drank time which grade during the exhibition of execution program. IT is also know as exceptional event for du…
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Define string handling? BCA 5 SEM.

String handling definition:- In Java programming string define a sequence of character which consists of different variable and handle by user defined functio…
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What is drafting and Business Letter? (BCA 1 semester).

Drafting and business letters:- Replies:-   Replies usually contain price and other terms of sale such as discount delivery etc to regular customer customers…
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What is information Technology for communication? (BCA 1 semester).

Information for communication definition:- Today the world is witness a communication revolution a part of written communication such as letters telegram fact…
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Types of online communities.

Video conferencing definition:- A Video conferencing is a set of interactive tiles communication which allowed to or more location to interact via  to way au…
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Types of business letter?( BCA 1 semester).

Types of business letters:- 1). Genral business letter:- it is a normal business letters. It is a two types of general business letters. a). Formal b). Infor…
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What is business report?( BCA 1 semester)

Business report definition:- A report is a logical presentation of fact figures and information a good business report must be an orderly arrangement of info…
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What is Business Letter and report? (BCA 1 semester)

Business letters and reports definition:- "Writing is an art of expressing 1 views ideas facts passing on informants and other formal communication"…
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What is Grapenuine classification ( BCA 1 semester)

Grapenuine chain:-   graphing is the process of oral communication It is informal communication. it is a horizontal or vertical communication channel which i…
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What microsoft excel? (BCA1 semester).

Microsoft Excel definition:- M.S excel is the spreadsheet that alraw many similarity document code leader of what books which can be added or remove as and w…
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What is electronic writing process?( BCA1 sem)

Electronic writing process M.S word definition:- Micro soft word is a word processor that operates under windows operating system. All most all word processo…
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Ip security discuss and different model in ip security( BCA 6th semester)

Discuss IP security:-  Ip security is a fundamental protocol. It is secure internet protocol communication authorized and cryptography process communication …
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Definition of oral communication:- Oral communication is open words it is excellent for speedy interchange of ideas. Meaning of oral communication:- Oral com…
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What is written communication? ( BCA 1 semester)

If we have to handles social and  business communication on day to day basic. We still meet to prepare written message. Written communication is in many from…
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What is limitations?( BCA 1sem)

Limitation of oral  communication:- 1). Lack of profit 2). Time consuming 3). lack of authonti City 4). Misunderstanding Media of oral communication 1). Face…
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