BCA 3rd semester Object Oriented Programming Important Question

 BCA 3rd semester Object Oriented Programming Important Question and Previous year Exam Paper Questions 



Section - A

Short Questions (2-3 Number)

  1. What is destruction . Give examples.                                                
  2. Give the significance of ' Protected' access specifiers.             
  3. How the ambiguity in multiple inheritance can be resolved.          
  4. What are default argument.              
  5. Explain the term data hiding.          
Section - B 

Long Answer Questions ( 7.5 - 10 ) Number

  1. What are inline function . How are they useful.                                     
  2. Explain : Overloading Vs Overriding.                                             
  3. Explain the concept of abstract classes and virtual base classes with a suitable example.  

Section- C

Long Answer Questions (15) Number

  1. What so you mean by exception handling . How exceptions are handling is done in C++ . Illustrated with example.                 
  2. In what ways object oriented paradigm is better than structured programming paradigm . Explain the features of oops.                                                   
  3. What do you mean by Polymorphism . Explain with the help of example how polymorphism is achieved at. 1- complile time 2- run time                  
  4. Explain 
     1- Constructors
     2- Inheritance
     3- Aggregation

   5. What is pointer variable . What are the application of pointer variable . What are its advantages and disadvantages . What operation can be performed on this pointer variable. What are basic data and derived data types which can be expressed in pointer variables. 

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