Computer Fundamental For important Question(BCA- First Semester) Sample Paper

 [ Time : Three Hours]

Note : Attempt all the question as per instruction.

[Maximum Marks : 75]


                                                                Section - A

Note :-(Attempt all five question. Each question carries 3 marks and 75 words).

Q.1 What is Cache Memory?

Q.2 What is an IC? How does it help in reducing the size of Computer?

Q.3 Find the decimal equivalent of the following number.

           1). (2614) Base 8

             2). (562) Base 8

             3). (FAB) Base 16

Q.4 Compare the Laser And Dot - matrix printer?

Q.5  Explain the function of the following function and controls keys.

              .)  F1

              .) F5

               .) F3

Q.6 Full Form of the Following?







Q.7 What is Operating System?

Q.8 What is Data & Information?

Q.9 What is Shell Script?


                                                        Section - B

Note : Attempt any two question out of the following Three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks & 200 words.) 

Q.1 Explain various arithmetic and relational operators?

Q.2 Describe the role of system software and application software in a computer system?

Q.3 Explain advantage and limitations of flowchart technique?

Q.4 Explain the function of memory in a computer system?

Q.5 What is an operating system ? How is it related to computer hardware?


                                                       Section - C    

Note : (Attempt any three question. Each question carry 15 marks and 700 words .)

Q.1 Explain the following DOS commands with suitable example?

             1). FORMAT

              2). PROMPT

                3).  DIR

                4). ATTRIB

                5). DISKCOMP

Q.2 What do you mean by a digital computer ? Draw the neat schematic diagram showing all functional blocks of a digital computer. Explain the function of each unit in brief. 

Q.3 Write short notes on the following:

           1). Network Neighborhood.

           2). Windows Explorer.

             3). Start button.

Q.4 Explain in brief options available in help menu of window 's editor - notepad?

Q.5 Write the short notes on MS- Excel?

Q.6 Write a short notes on MS- PowerPoint?

Q.7 Why are I / O devices are necessary for a computer system?  

Q.8 Write a note on multi- programming and multi tasking?

Q.9 Write the application of MS- Excel in various areas? 


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