What is e-mail and IT? (BCA 1 semester)

 Email ID( electronic mail) definition:-

Tectonic male is in satellites technology which has become the primary means of communication many organization and in individuals tonic main on internet provides quick and cost effective transfer of message to other email users This is one of the fastest and most is of communication.

It is called email because:-

1). You put it into an electronic and address it

2). You may not now be when the email is read.

3). You hand over the message to someone else to whom it is to be delivered.

4). Your email message you did not intend cause it is very easy for other people to pass around or forward on.

5). You get email back into your inbox if you address it incorrectly.

Advantage of email:-

1). Problem of logistic:- today much of the business designs upon communication between people who are not physically in the building area even country.

2). Problem of synchronisation:- email allows itchy participant to decide when and blow much time they will expanding with any associated with.

Disadvantage of email:-

1). Loss of context:-

Communicating in context and only be achieve when both parties have full understanding.

2). Anti social behavior:- 

It can lead to society become last personal with greater number of pupil being unable to hold conversation face to face.

3). Information overload

4). Inconsistency:- email can duplicates information.

IT and internet definition:-

IT is a thermostat in compass all forms of technology used to create store exchange information in its version forms when computer and or communication technologies are combined the result is information technology.

Advantage of IT:-

1). Communication

2). cost effectiveness

3). more time

4). creation of new jobs

Disadvantage of IT:-

1). Privacy

2). Lack of job security

3). Domain culture

4). Unemployment

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