What you mean by structure and union? (BCA- 2 semester)

 Definition Structure:-

user need to store large amount of data in a 'C' long it used Aryan working a group data and value but structure describe different type of elements structure is a user defined data type which consider other data type it provide facility to store data and manage properly.

Syntax of structure:-

strict  structure name


member elements





} structure tag;

example of structure:-

strict book- bank


char title[10];

int page[5];

float price;


Definition of Union:-

It is same as structure and have same Syntex, There is a major different between structure and union. In terms & storage data. In union all members variable allocate same memory in data structure.

Syntex of union:-

union union- name






} union tag;

example of union:-

union book


int bcode;

float price;


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