What is java data base connectivity? ( BCA 5 the semester).

 Java Tata base connectivity definition:-

It is a Java interface which allows two developer to access database management system from Java code different SQL statement java API code which similar to ODBC (open database connectivity). It used for access and manage data based pro JDBC which help to Java program to write Java application and manage three programming activity.

A). It help to connect database source.

B). It helped to Java quality to the database.

C). Process that Java quary from the database.

Component of JDBC:-

1). Driver manager:- It create interface between different database model.

2). Driver:- it coming with the database server.

3).connection:- interface with the old method for connection 8 database.

4). Statement:- it include different statement through SQL Command.

5). Result:- it to provide result after SQL command.

stap of database connectivity:-

It described the processing stock of component of JDBC in connectivity.

              Driver manager

             connection- data base


                results set

Role of JDBC:-

1). It create connection between client and server.

2). It depend on three tier data models.

3). It operates java complex data base query.

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