What is limitations?( BCA 1sem)

 Limitation of oral  communication:-

1). Lack of profit

2). Time consuming

3). lack of authonti City

4). Misunderstanding

Media of oral communication

1). Face to face conversion:- it is the method of community personality still remains the most frequency use means of communication.

2). Feedback:- feedback is another case of oral communication which may take weeks to be done communication completed by a signal of effort .

3). Telephonic conversation:- it can be described as the greatest single source of external communication but it is give it a costly means of communication in comparison of mail or text.

4). Teleconferencing:- webcams have lost some of the advantage to tell conferencing it is the use of version technology to allow discussion and multi between multiple parties and different location.

         Types of teleconferencing

1). Audio teleconferencing:- a telephone call in including three or more parties the most common pound teleconferencing.

2). Video Teleconferencing:- be sister used by measured migration where rich boys appear to come from different position. It can have the large number  of praticepance.

3). Internet teleconferencing:- internet and other able device have made teleconference  accessible.

4). Dicta phone:- it is when and American company are producer of dictation machines sound recording device commonly used to record speech from letter playback or to be type into print.

5). Oral report:- The report is the record that deliver to your auditions presenter. It give sufficient time to put this views and justification.

6). Press conferencing:- It is sufficient method to public your news and it must be well organization and the other hand if you organization press every week without any important news for report they will stop community.

7). Radio recording:- it is very simple as be in our mobile phones radio recording is done where we want to address of publish.

8). Public speaking:- when have to address a meeting it become a public speaking it may be confidence and presentation public speaking require a lot of confidence and skill on the part of speaker to win the  applause of auditions.

9). Official speaking:- taking two clients digital and official is done for different purpose.

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