What is business report?( BCA 1 semester)

 Business report definition:-

A report is a logical presentation of fact figures and information a good business report must be an orderly arrangement of information. that is objective in nature and invest and business nature purpose. It is design to give a complete picture of what has taken place from the reader who does not know about it and gathers knowledge about it from what the written presence in report.

Importance of report:-

* report careers information from some one who has it to someone who needs it.

* it brings into application on number of accepted.

* it gives an overall assignment.

* 8 provides the ability to investigate and analysis the problems to present solution in a positive manner.

characteristics of a good reports:-

1).  reader orientation

2). Clearity

3). Grammatical accuracy

4). simple and unambiguous language

5). Relevance

6). Accuracy of facts

Types of business report :- 

1). Legal type:- An information report is usually in the form of a person to person communication.

2). Formal report:- Formal report is prepared in a prescribe form and presented according and stablished processor to a prescribe authority.

3). Frequency type:- 1) periodic or Racine

These are prepared and presented at regular intervals is usual routine of business.

special report-

There are related to special occasion on situation.

4). function type- Informative report

If a report mannual represent facts resulting into an issue is informative.

2). Interpretative report:- 

If the need is to analysis the facts drowning convulsions interpretative report is prepared.

5). Subjective types:- 1) performance report

2). Technical report

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