Element of Statices Syllaybus (BCA- 3 sem)

                 The Index

   Element of Statistics 


SNo.Unit Name  - Name 

1.First Unit-  Population, Sample& Data Condensation 

2. Second Unit- Measures of central Tendency    

3. Third Unit- Measure of Dispersion

4. Forth Unit- Permutation & Combination

5.Fifth Unit-  Sample Space, Events & Probability

6.Sixth Unit-  Statistical Quality Control 

                 The Syllabus  


Population, Sample and data condensation: Definition and scope of statistics, Concept of Population and simple with Iiiustration, Raw data, attributes and variables, classification, Frequency distribution, Cumulative frequency distribution.

Unit - 2  

Measures of Central Tendency : Concept of central Tendency, Requirementsof a good measures of central tendency, Arithmetic mean, Median, Mode, Harmonic mean, Geometric mean for grouped and ungrouped data.

Unit -3  

Measures of Dispersion : Concept of Dispersion, Absolute and relative measures of dispersion, range variance, Standard deviation, coefficient of variation.

Unit - 4 

Permutations and Combinations : Permutation of  'n'  dissimilar object taken 'r' at a time ( with or without repetitions) npr = n (Fectoreal Sign) / (n-r) Fectoreal sign) (Without Proof). Simple Example Application.

Unit - 5

Sample Space, Events and Probability : Experiment and random experiment, Ideas of deterministic and non - deterministic experiment; Definition of sample space, discrete sample space, events; Union and intersection of two or more events, mutually exclusive events, Complementary event, Exhaustive events ; simple example. classical definition of probability, Addition theorem of probability without proof (upto three events are expected ). Definition of conditional probability definition of independence of two events, Simple numerical Problem.

Unit - 6    

Statistical Quality Control : Introduction, control limits, specification limits, tolerance limit, process and product control; charts for X and R; control charts for number of defective {n-p chart }, control charts for number of defects { c- chart}.






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