What is 7cs ? (BCA-1st semester)

 What is 7cs of communication:-

1). Complaints:- communication must be completed and it should convey all the facts require by the audoines.

2). conciseness:- communicating what you want to convey in list possible words.

3). Consideration:- concentration employees stepping into the shoes of other.effective communication must take the audoence into consideration.

4). clarity:- complete clarity of thought and ideas in hences the meaning of message.

5). Concreteness:- complete communication employee being particular and clear rether then guessing.

6). courtesy:- courtesy in message employees the sender extraction as will as should respect the receiver.

7). correctness:- correct ness in communication on ploes that their are no grametical errors. It makes use of up propiate and correct language in the message.  

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