What is DBMS? Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of DBMS.( BCA 5 SEM)

 DBMS (Data base management system)

A data base is a collection of row meterial collection and operated by different person for different area and information is a collection of meaningful data for the purpose of effective decesion making. A data base is a collect of record. Table consist of different row and column. For the purpose of effective utilisation of a record. It is collect of files with proper detail in proper storage device.

Types of DBMS

1). DDL(Data definition language)

2). DML( Data menuplation language)

1). Data definition language:- 

It can be used to define conceptual view and also give the proper datail of data how to implement data in physical device to store in proper location. It effective use of DDL command.

2). Data menuplation language:- 

This language maintain the data base with proper information through different commend and data operation. This commend is also provided the insert, update, delete the records. It is physical view of data base management system outside the application programmer and DBA.

Component of DBMS 

1) Hardware and software.

2) DDL and DML.

3) File and disk manager.

4) Data base manager.

Advantage of DBMS

1) Data independent.

2) safety and security.

3) Dynamic change of data base.

4) sharing of data.

Disadvantage of DBMS

1) cost of hardware and software.

2) Back-up and recovery.

3) Un- Authorised use.

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