Java programming & Dynamic Webpage design Syllabus( BCA- 5 sem)

                                                                   The index

                                                                               Sr No.       Name

1).      Java Programming

2).  Java Applets, AWT control, Layout Manager & String Handling 

3).   Networking, Event Handling, JDBC

4).        HTML

5).    Java Servlets

6).      Java Server Page


                         The Syllabus


Java Programming : Data types, control structured, arrays, string and vector, classes( Inheritance, package, exception handling) multithreaded Programming.


Java applets, AWT controls (Button, Labels, Combo box, List and other Listeners, menu bar) layout manager, Drivers, Establishing Connection, Connection Pooling.


Networking ( datagram socket and TCP/ IP based server socket) event handling, 

JDBC : Introduction, Drivers, Establishing connection, connection polling.


HTML :  Use of commenting, headers, text styling, images, formatting text with <FONT> , Spacial characters, horizontal rules, line breaks, table, forms, image maps < META> tags, < FRAMESET> tags, file formats including image formats.


Java servlets: Introduction, HTTP servlet basics, The servlet lifecycle,retrieving information, sending HTML information, session tracking, database connectivity


Java Server Page :  Introducing java server pages, JSP overview, setting up the JSP Standard tag library, processing input and output.




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