what is cache Memory? Types of cache memory.(BCA-2nd Sem)

 Daffination of cache Memory:-

Cache memory is a CPU memory is random access memory. The computer microprocessor also can soon information access regular RAM. cache memory is basic purpose store program instruction. That are often referred by software during software.The microprocessor process a data. The look preceding in cache memory. If it define the instruction it have dose not reading of data. cache memory is longer memory&  other storage device find. There are there types of cache memory.

Types of Cache memory:-       

1). Direct mapped cache.

2). Fully associative cache.

3). N- way set associative cache.

1). Direct mapped cache:-

 The Direct mapping is a location is direct main memory. A  particular block is a main memory map to only particular line wise of the store in cache memory. A particular line number is a given cache memory . Direct mapped related to lines number & particular & block.

2). Fully associative cache:-

The Fully cache  is a show of result are all categories . That is can be store address can be store in any cache location. It is any can be selected in a  more efficient way. This requires an associative memory in a hold. It does not however solve the problem of conflict for a cache location .

3). N- way set associative cache:-

The N - Cache is a provide blocks. It is a set of data mapping to a set is possible be found . it is a multi way of set associative cache. The cache of another name for a one way set associative cache. The cache of a degree N associative cache.  


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