Difference between C and C++ language?(BCA- 3rd Sem)

A). C language points:-

1). C language does not support overloading function.

2). It use Malloc, Calloc & free function.

3). C language is a procedure oriented language depend algorithm and flow chart.

4). C language define by structure and union function.

5). It include "stdio.h " with print f   and scan f library function.

6). It is systematic use of default argument but in proper use in procedure language.

7). C is general known as function driven language.

8). C language is was Encapsulation data dose not find.

9). C language is high level classical   language type programming language.

10). C language is middle level programming language.

B). C++ language points:-

1). It include iostream with cout and cin function.

2). "C++" is a object oriented language depend on class objected.

3). "C++" language support default  argument with the function.

4). "C++" language support overloading function.

5). "C++" language define by class with private & public member.

6). " C++" language support two new operator

                                1. New

                                2. Delete   

7). "C++" language was developed by( Bjarne Stroustrup) in 1979.

8). The other hand C++ support both procedural and object oriented programming paradiagms.

9). "C++" language support from polymorphism encapsulation and inheritance .

10.) "C++" language is a subset of the language.

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