Define keywords? Name any five keywords of C language 1st semester(Programming principles & Algorithm) .

 Definition of keywords:-

Keywords are the words whose meaning has already explain the C compiler (or in a broad sequence to the computer. keywords are the different words and meanings cannot be changed. If we do so we are try to share a new meaning to keyword are which does not allow by the computer. There are 32 keywords using in C language. keyword are the specific features. These words is a use of functionality C language.   

There are follows: 

1). auto

2). break

3). case

4). char

5). const

6). continue

7). default

8). do

9). double

10). else

11). enum

12). extern

13). float

14). far

15). for

16). goto

17). if

18). int

19). long 

20). near

21). register

22). return

23). Short

24). signed

25). static

26). streut

27). switch

28). typedef

29). union

30). unsigned

31). void

32). while 

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