Define C tokens ? ( 1st semester Programming principles & Algorithm.)

 Definition of C tokens:-

C tokens is a basic and smallest unit of a C programming. It is a related of the document and text include.C tokens is a special perform of the meaning function in a C program. It is a smallest unit of a C tokens. There are only six types of C tokens.

              Types of C tokens:-

a). keywords

b). Identifiers

c). Variables

d). String

e). Operators

f). Constants

                                                    Define C tokens:-      

a). Keywords :-  keyword are the spacial words. That is are used to give a spacial meaning of the program. can not used variable and constant value. There is a basically sequence of character. Keywords is a used only fixed meaning. keywords is a most important topic of a C language. Ex. break, for, do-while, while, do, if, int, long, char.

b).  identifiers :- Identifiers is a sequence of alphabets and numric. But cannot used keywords and identifiers. It is a related of varification document. some language is a allowed identifiers.

c). Variables :- variables is a used for give a name and allotted memory space. An power is a centre different data is a task variable is a different number is a used a program. variable is a best feature or factor  mathmatics and computer. 

d). String :- String is a collect of  a data more than one character. string a long line of a stretches.

e). Operators :-   Operators acts as connectors and they indicate what type of operation is being carried out . The values that can be operated by these operators are called operands. They are used to perform basic operations, comparison, manipulation of bits and so on. Operators is a three types.

a). Unary Operators

b). Binary Operators

c). Ternary Operators

F). Constants :-  It is a does not change for  value only fixed value in the program. Constant is a mathmatics word can have multiple meanings. constant value is a depand for variable on the integration. Need is a function of the constant.

Ex: ax2 + bx + c

Where a , b and c constant.




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