Define market . discuss the marketing structure (Business Economic BCA 3-sem)

Definition of  Market:-

Market refers to a particular area where buyer and seller exchange. The ownership with the help of money. It define many service for any customer which consume product & service market structure refers to nature and degree of competition for goods & service.

Determinant of Marketing structure:-

  • No of buyer.
  • Product price.
  • Nature of product.
  • Sales volume(Large).
  • Entry and Exit condition.

Types of Market Structure:-

1).Perfect Market:-

A perfect market is an area in which number of buyer & seller is a very large with homogenous product without any perfect knowledge of market at a time.

Feature of market:-

  • Minimum transportation cost.
  • Perfect demand.
  • Complete market knowledge.
  • Homogenous product.
  • Absence of selling cost.

Definition of Imperfect Market:-

Imperfect market is an area where perfect competition are not satisfy with any product. It depend on alternative product which satisfy customer needs & wants. It is consist of four category.

  1. Monopoly Market
  2. Oligopoly Market
  3. Monopolistic Market
  4. Monopsony  Market

1). Monopoly Market:- It is a part of market organization in which there are there is  a  single organization selling  a commodity for which there are no substitute. 

Features of Monopoly:-

1). Single Seller.
2). Full control over price.
3). Use government  lenience.
4). High starting cost.

 2). Oligopoly Market:- An oligopoly is a market of only a few seller offer homogenous and heterogeneous product.

Features of Oligopoly:-

 1). Independent.
 2). Few seller.
 3). Small number of large firm.
 4). Group behavior.

3). Monopolistic Market:- It is refers to a market situation where there are many organization selling a different product.

Feature of Monopolistic:- 

1). Selling cost.
2). Different program.
3). Independent buyer.
4). Control over price.

4). Monopsony Market:- Theory of Monopsony a single entity is assumed to have market power over seller are the only purchaser of goods and service offered.

Feature of Monopsony

1). Competition in the product.
2).Employment of a certain type of labor.
3). workers who are unorganized or non- unionized.

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