What is file handling and hashing function? BCA-2nd semester).

 Definition of file handling:-

A program accept the input data from keyboard at the time and execution the main limitation and what's the approach is that is very difficult of handle large volume and data Therefore if the data is entered in computer memory then check the correctness of data about put off a program may become input and another program in this situation it is more efficient to store different operation of a program in a dice the processing of file involves following steps.

1). Naming a file

2).Open a file

3).Read the date of Roma File

4).Write data to a file

5).Closing a file

There are two different ways to perform the file operation in C language.

1). What's the first operation now as low level input output operation and use unique system the second method is high level input output operation and use input output library function.

function name     operation

f open()                 open a current file

f close ()                close a file

getch ()                  Read a character

put()                       write a character

f printf()                 write set of data

f scanf()                read a set of data

Definition of Hashing function:-

A searching value depand on the number of elements in the collection of data.This data discuss the searching techniques known as hashing function. There are two principles used for selection a hashing function.

1). Function should be very easy and quick to complete.

2).The function should be describe address of value.

There are three main method define a hashing function.

1). Division method

2). mid- sequence method

3). Folding method

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