Types of java server page? ( BCA 5th semester).

Types of java server page:- 

1). Create a JSP

2). Install JSP

3). Running JSP page

4). Using JSP

5). Using JSP action

Define types of java server page:-

a). Create a JSP:- A java page is a regular HTML page with some special element.

b). Install JSP:- it is software related are the work. Software installed is mobile, laptop etc. It is application consist of resources such as java page, servlate, applate, static and dynamic HTML, library function and java class files.

c). Running JSP:- in method user first open a server and load main page of JSP through URL in the browser address fields.

d). Using JSP element:- it is first two line in JSP page consist of elements which contain page requirements resource and error handing process.

e). Using JSP action:- it is very simple and understood dynamic page contains. It is consist of JSP function & JSP data base diagram.

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