Define Cocomo model ( BCA 6th semester)

 Cocomo model:-

Construction cost model , cost estimation model

It is Cocomo model develop by Barry W. Boehm. This is model are parameters are drived from fitting. It is such as size effort ,cost ,time and quality. Cocomo model is the project work is best solution. Applied on three classes of software project.

A) Organic model 

B). Semi- detached

C). Embedded

Define three classes of Cocomo model:- 

A). Organic model:- Organic is a Organic type the team size required. It is good excellent. It is solved members. Normal experience relation the problem.

B). Semi - Detached:- A software project is said to a semi-detached. It is experience , knowledge of the various programming.

C). Embedded model:- it is Organic and semi-detached mix in the embadded model. It is high level of creativity, complexity, experience under the category. It is largest team size. It is also developers need to be experience.

Stage of Cocomo model:- 

1). Basic model

2). Intermediate model

3). Detailed model

Define stage of Cocomo model:-

A). Basic model:- it is basic model provide an size of the project parameters. 

       Effort applied (E) = a( kLOC) bb

          Development time ( D)= cb effort applied

       People required (p)= E/D

Class                 ab.                     bb.              cb.              db

Organic.             2.4.         1.05.      2.5.      0.38

Semi-detached.   3.           1.12.       2.5.      0.35

Embedded.            3.6.        1.2.          2.5.      0.32

B). Intermediate model:-  The intermediate model basic Cocomo model effort is only a function of the number of lines of code.

        Effort applied (E)= ai ( k LoC) bi

It refines estimate by using a set of devices.

Class                     ai                         bi

Organic.              3.2.                       1.05

Semi-detached.    3.                          1.12

Embedded.           2.8.                       1.2

C). Detailed model:- it is all qualities of the software engineering process. It refines intermediate model. It has six phases.

1. Planning and requirements

2. System structure

3. Complete structure

4. Module code and test

5. Integration and test

6. Cost construction model


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