Normalization BCA-5 sem

 Normalization definition:-

Normalization is a technique which decompose data into small small part for the purpose of function dependency and multi value dependency. It create relationship between two or more attributes which create different relationship between data store in data base model with the help of primary and secondary key. 

It depend on function dependency and other keys. Which help to create and modify master data in data base model.

Types of Normalization

1). First normal form:- A relation said to be first normal form IP. The value in the domain of each attributes of the relation are automatic.

2). Second normal form:- A relation said to be second normal form if it is one FNS and all non prime attributes are Fully function depend on relation key.

3). Third normal form:- A relation is said to be third normal form if all non trival function dependency in a function contain a super key.

4). Boyce code normal form:- A relation is said to be Bcnf when it every non- travel dependency in a data base identify candidate key.

5). Fifth normal form:- A relation is said to be fifth normal form if it includes BCNF and forein key at any data which joint the two or more tables.

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