DBMS Syllabus(BCA- 5 Semester)

                                                          Introduction of DBMS

                                          The Index

S No.                                   Unit                                   Name

1).                                         First Unit              Introduction of DBMS & Data Models

2).                                         Second Unit           E-R Modeling

3).                                         Third Unit              File Organisation

4).                                          Forth Unit              Relational Data Models & SQL

5).                                          Fifth Unit                EER & ER to Relational Mapping

6).                                         Sixth Unit                 Data Normalisation

7).                                        Seventh Unit               Concurrence Control


                                                               The Syllabus


Introduction : Introduction of data and database system, characteristics of database approach, Element of database system, DBMS and its 3- tier architecture, advantage of DBMS ( including data Independence), Types of users, Database Administration and their Roles

Data Models : Types of data models - Hierarchical, Network & Relational; Comparative Study Between different types of data models; Advantage & Disadvantages of Data models.


ER Modeling :  Introduction, Properties of Relational Model, Entity Types, Entity Set, Attributes & Keys, Constraints, Weak Entities, - ER and Objects Modelling, Sub- Classes, Super- classes, Inheritance, Specialisation & Generalisation.


File Organization : Indexed sequential access files; implementation using B & B++ tress, hashing, hashing function, collision resolution, extendible hashing, dynamic hashing approach implementation and performance.


Relational data model : Relational model concepts, relational constraints, relational algebra

SQL : SQL queries, programming using SQL.


EER and ER to relational mapping : Data base design using EER to relational language.


Data Normalisation : Normalisation concept & update Anomalies, need of Normalisation, Anomalies associated with Normalisation, function dependencies and its prospectus, multi- valued dependencies, Join Dependencies, Normal Forms ( INF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF).

Concurrency Control : Transaction processing, Locking techniques and associated, data base recovery, security and authorization. Recovery techniques, database security.


                                                                      Book Details

                                       Course         :           BCA 

                                       semester     :        5 semester

                                                   Edition          :             Current

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