BCA - ||| Semester Computer Architecture and Assembly Language

 BCA - ||| Semester Computer Architecture and Assembly Language 



Section- A (5 Number)

  1. What is the role of Assembler.                         
  2. What are Macros.                                               
  3. Define the Computer Register.                         
  4. Write short note on asynchronous data transfer.                                                                
  5. What is cache memory.  Describe it's operations in briefs.                                          
Section- B (7 Number)

  1. Define interrupt.    Explain its various types.    
  2. Differentiate between direct and indirect addressing with an example.                           
  3. Explain subroutine in assembly language.     

Section - C (15 Number)

  1. What is Booth algorithm.  Explain it in detail multiple 24 and 7 using Booth algorithm.                                                            
  2. Write short note on following.                         Synchronous Data Transfer.                            Serial Communication                                    Index Register                                                   
  3. Describe the concept of DMA used in   computer organization.                                    
  4. A CICS chip is a complex instruction set computing chip the alternative to RICS chips How do they differ.                                  
  5. Define Instruction Cycle.  Explain each phase.                                                                  
  6. Explain the difference between hardwired control and microprogrammed control. Is it possible to have a hardwired control associated with a control memory.    

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