BCA - ||| Semester Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
Section- A (5 Number)
- What is the role of Assembler.
- What are Macros.
- Define the Computer Register.
- Write short note on asynchronous data transfer.
- What is cache memory. Describe it's operations in briefs.
Section- B (7 Number)
- Define interrupt. Explain its various types.
- Differentiate between direct and indirect addressing with an example.
- Explain subroutine in assembly language.
Section - C (15 Number)
- What is Booth algorithm. Explain it in detail multiple 24 and 7 using Booth algorithm.
- Write short note on following. Synchronous Data Transfer. Serial Communication Index Register
- Describe the concept of DMA used in computer organization.
- A CICS chip is a complex instruction set computing chip the alternative to RICS chips How do they differ.
- Define Instruction Cycle. Explain each phase.
- Explain the difference between hardwired control and microprogrammed control. Is it possible to have a hardwired control associated with a control memory.
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