Data Structure (BCA-3rd- semester)

Data Structure

A data is a collection of record which store in proper structure known as table because table consist of different row & column for different data.
Mathematical or logical way to represent data known as data Structure.There are two type of data Structure use in C language

Type of Data Structure  

  1. Linear/ primary data Structure
  2. Non linear/ non primary data Structure


Linear data Structure example

  • Array
  • Stack
  • Quave
  • Linked-list

Non linear data Structure example

  • Tree
  • Graph

Operation of Data Structur

  1. Traversing:- Read a data and store in a Data Structure
  2. Insert:- Enter new element in the data Structure.
  3. Delete:- Remove a particular data from data Structure.
  4. Shorting:- Arrange data in user define structure.
  5. Searching:- Searching new data from data Structure.
  6. Merge:- Combined two or more data in a single from.

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