Define Inhertance(BCA- 3rd sem)

Inharitance dafination

  • Inheritance is an important feature of object oriented programming concept which describe different rule and regulation. A class can be define a return type value. It is a process in which one class acquire the property of another class with the help of object oriented concept. The old class in a program know as base class which transfer proper to new class know as derived class. The derived class inherit property of base class create a parent-child relationship.

Types of inheritance 

1). Single Inheritance
  • A derived class with only one base class know as single inheritance with the help object oriented concept.

(2). Multiple inheritance 

  • A derived class with many base class know as multiple inheritance 

3).Multi level inheritance

  • The method of a derived class from another derived class is kown as multi level inheritance.

4). Hybrid inheritance 

  • It support the concept of tree and multiple inheritance with the help of object oriented programming concept know as Hybrid inheritance. It means Hybrid inheritance combination of tree and multiple inheritance .

5). Tree inheritance

  • The property of may be inherit by more than. One derived class know as tree inheritance.

6). Virtual base class inheritance 

  • All three type of inheritance that is multilevel, multiple and tree in virtual base class inheritance. A class is made a virtual. Than C++ language take a necessary condition which check only one copy of the class is inherit.

Virtual base class inheritance example

Class A
} ;
  Class B1 : Virtual public A
     Member  function 
} ;
Class B 2 : Virtual public A
     Member function 
} ;
Class C : public B1 , public B2
      Member function 
} ;

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